Assignment 1: American Collage


A collage can be many things to many people. For your first assignment I ask you all to paint a picture of the American Dream as you see it presently. These two examples (one by a former student, and one by Norman Rockwell) are examples to draw upon as you begin to determine what the build environment says about our ideals and values as a nation. For most, the American Dream is a house a car and a good job; essentially infrastructure that can support a nuclear family unit independent of outside help or interference. Is this your version? If so or if not, what does it look like? Be as creative as you can for this first exercise. When all collages are brought in next week we will pin them together to form a American mosaic, and you can see how your vision compares to your fellow classmates, and also what they say as a singular work.
Also, please come prepared to discuss the reading “Toward and Urban Design Manifesto” by Alan Jacobs and Donald Appleyard. It might help to jot down the key points of the article you found interesting, or perhaps statements you did or didn’t agree with and why. If the article raised any questions in your mind about Urbanism’s role in America, please bring them to class so that we all can discuss.


1) 10”X10” Collage in your preferred media (digital, cut paper, relief, etc.) visualizing your impression of the American Dream

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